Eyhance & Synergy IOL Lens Review | See Clearly Vision

Get the Inside Scoop on the Eyhance and Synergy IOLs


Do you or someone you care about need to have cataract surgery? If you have cataracts that are affecting your quality of life, it may be time for cataract surgery.

Getting cataract surgery removes your cataracts while improving your vision at the same time. Because cataract surgery removes the natural lens of the eye where the cataract is, this gives you your clear sight back.

Having cataract surgery also means you’ll receive an artificial lens, called an intraocular lens, or IOL, to replace your natural lens. IOLs come in many different forms, and you have a variety of options to choose from before having cataract surgery.

If you’re having cataract surgery at See Clearly Vision, you’ll have the opportunity to choose from two brand new, top-of-the-line premium IOLs: the Eyhance IOL and the Synergy IOL. These are only some of the many intraocular lenses that we have available to our patients, like toric lenses, multifocal lenses, accommodative lenses, and more.

Are you wondering if one of these new lenses is right for you? Keep reading to get the inside scoop on the Eyhance and Synergy IOLs!

Premium IOLs


When you have cataract surgery, the IOL is included and usually covered by health insurance if you choose a monofocal IOL. However, this is only the case if you choose a monofocal lens.

A monofocal lens has a uniform surface set to one refractive power with either a close focal point or a farther away focal point. This lets you see either up close or at a distance.

For patients with presbyopia, having one monofocal lens set in one eye for seeing things far away and having another monofocal lens set in the other eye to see up close allows them to see well at most distances and intermediate distances. The combination is called monovision, and it’s perfectly functional, but many patients still require glasses, especially for reading.

Woman looking over glasses

Premium IOLs are intraocular lenses that provide excellent vision and reduce the need for glasses after cataract surgery. Because they are a premium lens, they are not covered by insurance and are an out-of-pocket expense, but the enhanced vision they provide is well worth it for patients.

But there is another option for patients who want a more affordable option while still getting the most out of surgery with the Eyhance IOL. There’s also an option for patients looking for the newest advanced premium IOL with the Synergy IOL.

Eyhance IOL


The Eyhance is a new kind of monofocal lens. Until very recently, there was only one kind of monofocal lens, so patients who wanted a standard lens only had one option to choose from.

The Eyhance is a midway point between a standard and premium lens. Instead of a completely uniform lens, the Eyhance lens slowly transitions from one refractive power on the edges of the lens and transitions to a different refractive power in the middle. Instead of relying on monovision from two opposite lenses, this monofocal lens allows for a similar effect in one lens.

The Eyhance IOL provides patients with improved distance vision, both when you’re looking at things that are far away and at an intermediate distance. It has an extended depth of focus, which means you can see better farther away instead of just at a middle, intermediate distance. This is a distinct advantage over standard monofocal IOLs.

Synergy IOL

Johnson & Johnson TECNIS Synergy IOL

The Synergy IOL is a premium lens that recently became FDA approved that’s been available in Europe for several years. The Synergy IOL has high patient satisfaction rates and provides excellent vision.

Like many IOLs, it’s a lens that corrects presbyopia, and much like the Eyhance, it delivers a wide range of continuous vision. The Synergy IOL’s continued depth of focus offers the broadest range of vision of any IOL, including other popular premium IOLs like multifocal lenses and trifocals traditionally divided into different sections.

Because there’s no division between the different ranges of vision on the lens itself, the Synergy lens offers clear vision at all ranges with extra-sharp vision when looking at things up close. It also has superior contrast even in low light and can reduce or even eliminate the need for glasses.

If you want to truly get the most out of cataract surgery with a premium IOL, the Synergy IOL is one of the most advanced options available right now.

Choosing an IOL That’s Right for You

Because of how many IOLs are on the market, choosing one can be overwhelming. But with these two new advanced options, you may be able to narrow down your choices.

Both the Synergy IOL and Eyhance IOL are great options, and the vast majority of patients are delighted with their choice when they opt for either of these lenses.

Woman smiling at laptop

But there are some things you should consider. One significant factor in choosing an IOL is how often you use electronic devices and items that have screens.

If you sit in front of a computer all day long, you should be viewing the screen at a distance. Spending a lot of time in front of a screen or a computer is why most eye doctors recommend monofocal lenses to patients who use screens a lot.

Having sharp near vision can make it more tempting to sit too close to the computer or television, which causes eye strain and may lead to Computer Vision Syndrome. Both Eyhance and Synergy IOLs provide good middle-distance vision, but the Synergy lens provides patients with the most robust close-up sight.

This is an excellent option if you spend more time reading or doing other close-up work that requires fine focus, like sewing. But for the many screen users out there, the Eyhance IOL is a perfect choice. It gives you tremendous middle-distance vision without sacrificing a more comprehensive range of sight as standard monofocal lenses could.

There are also other options available for premium IOLs that we offer at See Clearly Vision. The only way to know for sure if a premium IOL like the Eyhance IOL or the Synergy IOL is right for you is to schedule an office visit!

Schedule yours at See Clearly Vision in Arlington, or Tysons Corner to learn more about IOLs! Isn’t it time to get back to seeing the world with clarity?

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